Saturday, November 03, 2012

"We are humans and we are not genetically modified.

"We are humans and we are not genetically modified. At least not yet. One day, we may be. Will we let it happen?"

Jason "Pepe" Sept 28, 2012

Can you imagine how beautiful it would be if we all had plenty of organic fruits and vegetables within our reach locally? Today more and more people are rethinking just about everything and local food production is high on the list.

Once upon a time almost every person had food from the garden at their fingertips. Today we go to supermarkets and basically eat out of a box. Look at the size of the supermarkets fresh fruit and veggies section. How big is that area compared to the rest of the buildings square footage? It's really small when you think about it. Do you know what that box of so called food contains? Sure you know the calories, fats etc. Do you know what genetically modified organisms are in that box you are going to eat?

Now I know that we can't all be farmers, but is it that hard to plant a few food producing trees and shrubs? No it's really not! The joy of eating fresh healthy produce right from your home or sharing some with your neighbors is truly worthwhile.

Here are some ideas:

Start a blog, go on facebook, twitter and other social media sites and spread the word. We should work hard to promote urban farming that's sustainable, organic, non toxic and no GMO'S.
Speak out and get involved. Learn about the subject and get vocal, write, protest and please wake up this nations youth to the direction they are being forced into.

Plant valuable trees on your property and encourage friends and family to do the same. What are valuable trees? Well, fruit trees can be a great investment that helps feed your family and also helps the environment. Trees are our friends and our world could not exist as we know it without them.

But Pepe, I don't have a place to plant a tree or start a garden? Well how about talking to family, friends, neighbors, schools and of course if you have the stomach for it "Politicians" Maybe they have some land you can use and share the crop.

A very smart elderly customer of mine purchases trees and gives them to her sons and daughters. What a beautiful thing for a family to work together this way. She has been doing this and so have others.

An old friend used to say I should remember that there is strength in numbers. More people planting more food producing trees and shrubs can make a huge impact on our local supplies.

More people speaking out and helping promote urban farming on a local level will be an incredible bonus to our health, economy and environment. Think local and stop thinking global. Global is non sustainable. Does that make sense? Local thinking and local action in this direction will be good for every American Citizen.

Some folks around the country are actually growing and selling fresh fruits, veggies, herbs and more right from small urban yards of about one quarter acre. One family in Pasadena California has been doing it for over ten years. Here is a link, so you can see for yourself.

Buying local is not easy, but with time it will be.

Having locally grown food offers us fresher food and less dependence on fossil fuels and that's a good thing, don't you think? Why should we be eating mangoes from Mexico in Florida, it just makes no sense does it? What about garlic from China? OMG it's true, have a look at the labels.

Let's make buying locally a reality, get involved in your community and start community gardens. A healthier lifestyle and cleaner environment begins with each and every one of us.

Jason "Pepe"